3 Post-Interview Strategies to Land the Job & the Top Salary [Video]
Tammy Banfield B.Sc.
Resume & Professional Branding Specialist
Careers by Design
While it’s understandable that most job searchers focus intently on preparing for the interview, too many overlook the importance of following through with a solid post-interview plan.
After every interview, you have a couple of key opportunities to establish yourself as a high-value candidate that will not only improve your chances of getting a job offer, but also position you to command top dollar in the salary negotiation stage.
These strategies are subtle, but powerful; it’s all about making your interviewer feel valued and having those positive feelings attributed to you, the candidate.
Tammy Banfield, Resume and Professional Branding Specialist for Careers By Design, outlines your 3-Step Post-Interview Strategy in the video below:
Have a question or comment for Tammy about handling the post-interview thank you and follow-up? Post your message below!
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