November 27

Doing What Matters In The Second Half Of Life

Career Change



Written by Lee Weisser, Career & Life Coach

Doing what matters in the second half of life.

You’ve had a career. You’ve had a family. You have some significant accomplishments under your belt. Maybe you’ve even earned some public recognition in Life. Now what?

If you’re feeling unsure about what to do in the next phase of your life, you’re not alone.

We’re living longer and living healthier. Many of us want or need to keep working – but we want to do it on our own terms.

And, we want it to be meaningful.  I find myself reconnecting with the interests and activities of my youth. It’s both an eerie and welcoming feeling.

The pursuits I put on the shelf for many years are now finding their way back into my heart – and I’m listening.

I was involved in the world of contemporary dance for many of my younger years.

Dancing and choreographing fed my soul.

I want to get that back, but my body reacts in pain to the movements I used to do so easily.

I have come to realize that it may not be the actual activities that I can or want to do again, but the feelings they brought me – spiritual connection, flow, appreciation for life.

So, my challenge now is to find new activities to engage my spirit that will give me these same feelings.

What about you? What are you craving? Maybe you want to share what you’ve learned through a lifetime of challenges and accomplishments.

Perhaps you want your heart and mind to be engaged and active. Maybe you want to make a lasting contribution, something you will be remembered for.

  • Take stock of your current strengths, skills and interests.
  • Which would you like to use?
  • There are part time jobs, contract work, volunteer opportunities – these are just some of the choices available to you.
  • Use your networks to find people who think like you and share your goals. 

It’s time to get started on your new beginning.

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  1. Great post!

    I am a huge advocate of balanced living…to be in touch with one’s body, mind, and soul requires careful consideration of one’s skills, interests, and strengths. I find my passion through hobbies in my spare time. For instance, I love working on multiple projects that keep my passion and creativity consistent while I work towards my day job. Finding friends and sharing an interest together is also one of my ways to keep my soul engaged.

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