February 25

How To Beat Stress: 2 Powerful Strategies To Take Back Control Of Your Time

Beat Work Related Stress Now



Written by Shirin Khamisa, Founder, Careers by Design

How To Beat Stress: 2 Powerful Strategies To Take Back Control Of Your Time

If you think you don’t have enough time to do it all, you are absolutely right.

”Time Stress” is a very common experience in our 24/7 world. To make matters worse, being stressed about time results in being unable to prioritize and make good decisions about what is important.

Is your to-do list really long and overwhelming? Are you feeling unsatisfied and frustrated because you don’t have the time and energy to focus on things that are important to you? Perhaps you would like to make a career change or focus on high impact activities that will advance your professional life.

Here are two life changing strategies that will make a big difference in how you feel about time.

Powerful Strategy #1: Make peace with the reality that you only have 168 hours every week.

I make myself miserable when I am at war with the reality of how much time I have each day.I learned that I can create a feeling of ease and joy in my life by waving the white flag and calling a truce with time.Accepting that time is limited and that I can’t do it all gave me permission to take some of the pressure off myself. If you have a limitless wish list, embracing the limits that time imposes can help you to create a life filled with purpose and meaning.

”Limitations are merely opportunities to grow” - Louise Hay

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This limitation in the number of hours we have is an opportunity to grow: to get clear about what is really important; to develop the ability to turn down good for great; to learn how to say no to people and opportunities that don’t serve our larger purpose.

Powerful Strategy #2: Get clear about your purpose.

Having a clear purpose in life is a powerful antidote to time stress.

Committing to what is important makes it easier to decide what gets my time and attention.

One part of my purpose is connection – with my Creator, with my heart and with people who are important to me. Knowing this has helped me to make choices both at work and in life.

It is a priority for me to meditate daily and to spend time with loved ones. I am happiest at work when I am coaching and working on creative projects that make a difference. At the end of the day, it is incredibly satisfying to have taken action that is aligned with my purpose and my long-term goals.

I often see clients who have had successful careers in the past but currently feel unfulfilled and stretched in too many directions. They have already achieved the goals that gave their lives purpose and no longer have something to work towards.

It is important to re-examine our lives periodically and get clear about our current purpose. When you take the time to consciously decide what’s next at work and in life, you give yourself permission to focus on what makes you come alive. This makes it easier to say no to things that don’t add satisfaction and joy.

Taking the time to consider the big picture and set long and short term goals will help you to choose what gets your precious time and attention.

It gives you a clear direction and helps you to see your priorities clearly.

Beat Stress & Move Forward

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